
Age Tech Market

The first specialized age tech conference in Russia took place in St. Petersburg April 11, 2019. 

The conference was supported by Team Finland and Upgraded.

The event was part of the business program of international forum “Older Generation”.

What it’s about

  • View on key market news and trends in aging services by expert speakers from Russia and Finland
  • Professional participants – tech companies, startups, senior care operators, corporates, investors, government officials etc.
  • Networking, discussions, access to up-to-date products and solutions.

    Brief info about the conference you can download here.


    • share and discuss information about the current state and opportunities of Russian aging tech market,
    • gain best practice from Finland,
    • examine real life cases, new products and services for seniors,
    • facilitate partnerships, take aging tech business to the next level.


    The conference was hosted at Pavillion 7 of Lenexpo.

    Address: St. Petersburg, Bolshoy prospect V.O., 103.


    Vadim Barausov
    +7 921 932 64 16